April 9, 2024

Scioto County Sheriff David Thoroughman states that his 911 communication center received a
call on Monday, April 08, 2024 at 2:33 pm from a resident in the 7000 block of St. Rt. 125 stating
that two men were breaking into her house. After being confronted by the caller’s husband the two fled through the rear of the victim’s property in a burgundy Ford Ranger.
Sheriff Thoroughman stated deputies responded and checked the surrounding area for the suspects and initiated an investigation. The victim contacted the Sheriff’s Office Communication Center again at 6:03 pm stating that she had located the truck in a driveway on St. Rt. 104 in Lucasville.
Deputies responded, along with the Ohio State Highway Patrol, and detained a male suspect.
Sheriff Thoroughman stated that detectives were able to interview several witnesses, to include
some of the victims, which resulted in the second male suspect being identified. Detectives
contacted the Portsmouth Police Department and requested them to check the Royal Inn for the
second suspect. The second suspect was located at that location and Scioto County Detectives
responded and conducted a search of the motel room.
Detectives were able to recover a number of stolen items at the St. Rt. 104 location, to include
several 4 wheelers, a motorcycle, a 16-foot trailer, tools, camping items, deer heads, riding lawn
mower, jewelry, appliances and other miscellaneous items. Arrested was Brandon Cantrell, age 41, of 10637 St. Rt. 104 Lucasville, Ohio. Cantrell was charged with three (3) counts of Burglary, a felony of the 2 nd degree, two (2) counts of Breaking and Entering, a felony of the 5 th degree and two counts of Grand Theft, a felony of the 4 th degree.
Cantrell is being held on a $150,000.00 bond after appearing in Portsmouth Municipal Court this
morning. Also arrested was Jeremy C. McGhee, age 42, homeless of Portsmouth, Ohio. McGhee has been charged with three (3) counts of Burglary, a felony of the 2 nd degree, two (2) counts of Breaking and Entering, a felony of the 5 th degree, two (2) counts of Grand Theft, a felony of the 4th degree, and a parole violation. McGhee is currently being held without bond.
Sheriff Thoroughman stated that this is still an ongoing investigation involving thefts and
burglaries around the western part of Scioto County which could result in additional charges.
Anyone with information should contact Detective Sergeant Jodi Conkel @ 740-351-1091.
Sheriff David Thoroughman