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Multi Agent Probation/Warrant Operation

Writer's picture: Scioto County Sheriff's OfficeScioto County Sheriff's Office

March 2, 2021

Scioto County Sheriff David Thoroughman and Portsmouth Police Chief Debby Brewer announce that a two day “Multi-Agency Probation / Warrant Operation” was conducted on Monday and Tuesday, March 1st and 2nd. Sheriff David Thoroughman and Chief Debby Brewer advised that this is the first of many to come.

If we are to have Safer/Stronger communities, we have to have strong partnerships with our local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. This holds true for the other governmental agencies, private business / organizations and our community that we serve. We have to strengthen and grow those relationships to better serve our community.

The law enforcement agencies/units that participated in this countywide operation were; Scioto County Adult Probation, Scioto County Sheriff’s Office, Portsmouth Police Department, Ohio State Highway Patrol, U.S. Marshals Fugitive Apprehension Task Force, Southern Ohio Drug Task Force, and Portsmouth Fire Departments Tactical Medics. The non-law enforcement participants were Counseling Center, Hope Source, and Shawnee Counseling Center. In total, there were 91 law enforcement and other personnel that participated in the first day of the operation.

Chief Probation Officer Shawn Davis provided a complete list of probationers as well as non-compliant probationers, that are registered through his office. The list was reviewed by detectives from the sheriff’s office, police department, and drug task force for individuals that they had received intel on for continued criminal activity. The U.S. Marshall Fugitive Task Force was given a target list of individuals with active criminal warrants.

Law Enforcement personnel assisted Probation Officers with the probation checks. If ongoing criminal / drug activity was detected during the probation check, the investigation was transferred to either a detective or the Southern Ohio Drug Task Force for follow up. This same procedure was followed by the U.S. Marshalls Fugitive Apprehension Task Force locating ongoing criminal / drug activity.

Chief Probation Officer Davis advised that most of probationers were offered treatment in lieu of jail. The Counseling Center, Hope Source, and Shawnee Counseling Center assisted with getting the individuals into treatment.

This operation resulted in the arrest of 37 individuals, the recovery of stolen property, drugs and a firearm, most of which has already resulted in additional charges. The additional cases will be forwarded to the Scioto County Prosecutor’s Office to be presented to a Scioto County Grand Jury.

In the below; RSP = Receiving Stolen Property, the items listed in parentheses for the most part are the original charges resulting in their probation.

The individuals arrested during this operation were: 01. Glenn Skaggs - Probation Violation (F3 Agg Possession) 02. Aaron Armstrong - Probation Violation (F4 DV, F5 Violation of Protection Order — Found hiding in a Drop Ceiling) 03. Twanta Craft - Probation Violation (F5 RSP) 04. Levi Brown - Probation Violation (F4 FTA — barricaded self in house) 05. Megan Cade - Probation Violation (F5 Possession) 06. LeeAnn Bradford - Probation Violation (F4 Conspiracy to Trafficking) 07. Patrick Shaw - Probation Violation (F5 Possession) 08. Shelby Frazee - Probation Violation (F4 Weapon under Disability, F4 Possession, F4 Agg Trafficking) 09. David Chaffins - Probation Violation (F5 Agg Possession) 10. Robbie Gibson - Probation Violation (F5 Agg Possession) 11. James Charles - Probation Violation (F5 Possession) 12. James Boots - Probation Violation (Ml OMVI, F5 Possession) 13. Erica Bowens - Probation Violation (F5 Possession) 14. Rodney Ramey - Probation Violation (F3 Weapon under Disability) 15. Michael Boyd - Probation Violation (F5 Possession) 16. Ronnie Arnold - Probation Violation (F5 B&E) 17. Justin Cantrell - Probation Violation (F5 Agg Possession Also new charges F3 Trafficking, F3 Possession, F3 Weapon under disability — Hid under bed had loaded handgun) 18. Michael Harrell - Probation Violation (F4 Agg Assault) 19. Jacob Canfield - Probation Violation (F5 Theft, and F-3 Burglary) 20. John Watts - Probation Violation (F3 Tracking, F3 Trafficking) 21. Corey Bentley - Probation Violation (F4 Trespass in Habitation) 22. John Milstead - Probation Violation (Ml B&E) 23. William McGraw - Probation Violation (F5 Agg Possession) 24. David Jackson - Probation Violation (F5 Poss Crime Tools) 25. Edward Krekeler- Probation Violation (F5 Possession) 26. Jennifer Dixon-Greer - Probation Violation (F3 Agg Trafficking, F3 Agg Trafficking) 27. Dan Wells - Probation Violation (F5 Theft) 28. Nina Book - Probation Violation (M4 Criminal Trespass, F4 Carry Concealed Weapon, also has F2 Felonious Assault on Police Officer pending. Officers searched two hours to find her. She was hiding at the residence, then she had to be chased thru a field and woods) 29. Timothy Deese - Probation Violation (F5 Possession) 30. Dusty Driskell - Probation Violation (F5 Agg Possession) 31. Willie Arthur— Parole 32. Keri Lewis — Assault 33. Rebeca Jamison — Parole 34. Don Ellis - Probation Violation (F4 Theft Protected Person) 35. Timothy Oppy - Probation Violation (F4 RSP, F4 RSP, F-5 RSP, F-5 Crime tools) 36. Timothy Carver — F5 BW 37. Margaret Rigney — F5 Agg Possession Of these arrested, 21 were sent to Treatment / Released

Chief Brewer and Sheriff Thoroughman would like to thank all of the agencies and individuals involved in this operation for their assistance.






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